Saturday, December 29, 2012

How to make LIGHTNING in Adobe Premiere Pro!!

  Many people want to do the next harry potter effects movie with the awesome scary and gloomy theme. You mostly need an effect which generates lightning. This is easily done in Adobe Premiere Pro. I will show you how.

First open Adobe Premiere Pro and take a look at the effects tab:

Then click on video effects and then generate , then look for the effect lightning in the tab and drag it onto your footage in the timeline. A nice lightning will now show on your footage that will start to give some nice motion when you click play.

However, you are going to want to adjust its setting in the effects control tab. Click on the effects control tab to take a look:

As you can see , there are a lot of effects here. On your sequence screen , you have the end points , you can play with the end point by moving them around which will make your lightning longer or shorter depending on  what you want.

Then you have the number of segments. If you have one segment, it will look dull and not so cool. The more segments you add, the more intense. But don't add too much or it will just look ridiculous. Then you have the Amplitude which is how high you want the segments to be. Then you have the detail level which increases the glow in the light. Then  you have the "Detail Ampl..." which makes your lightning more odd and disordered which I don't recommend. Then you have branching which gives your lightning more of branches than just being a few. Then we have re branching which increases the amount of branches that come from branches.
Then the branch angle in which you can adjust the branches' angles. Then you have the branches' height and their number and their width. Then you have speed of the lightning as a whole. Then you have the stability of the lightning. Then you have the fixed endpoints check box so if you check it , the lightning will be perfectly fixed by its endpoint. This is really what's important about this effect. Everything else like the color can be figured out independently.
Thank you for reading.
Comment on what you think.

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