Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Circles in Adobe Premiere Pro: How to do an eclipse!!

    In Adobe Premiere Pro, you can add a circle to a footage. The circle is very plane and dull however, it can change into some amazing and creative things like making a virtual eclipse in the night sky.

First open Adobe Premiere Pro, look onto the effects tab :

Click on video effects then generate ----> circle. Drag the circle effect onto the footage that was dragged onto the timeline and a plane circle will show however the footage won't:

Now, look onto the effects control tab of your footage that has the circle. And take a look at what you can do with it:

 What you have  first is the center which you can easily be changed by dragging the circle where you want it to be in the sequence screen.  Then you have the radius which is how big it is. Then you have the edge type which you can decide on and then you have the thickness of the edge and the feather or how soft the edge is. You then have the color of it and the opacity. The blend is important because it lets your footage be seen when it's on normal:

This is what you have to know about circles. More importantly, let us apply it to making a virtual eclipse in the night sky:

First, you need to import a black video:

Then drag it onto the timeline, and drag the circle onto it. Give it a radius about 180 and let the edge type be the thickness and feather * radius. Let the thickness be about 160. Let the feather out be about 70 and the in about 170. Let the color be red. What you have seen represents the sun:

Now get another black video and drag it on video track 2 on the timeline about the sun and drag the circle onto it.

Give it a radius of about 370 and keep the position or center on the red figure.

This is what you get. But this is so simple , why not make a movement. First drag the black body or moon away from the sun and add a key frame. Then go through a different time in the video and another key frame and then bring it back above the sun. Now you have a virtual animated eclipse in Adobe.

If you don't know how to animation in adobe , check this blog post: http://teachingyouaboutyourpc.blogspot.com/2012/01/how-to-motion-track-in-adobe-premiere.html

As you can see, a circle can change into something amazing with a touch of art.

Comment on what you think.

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